Placeoflight's Blog

New Children or Ancient Way of Life?
March 5, 2011, 3:38 pm
Filed under: Indigo Child | Tags: , , ,

Indigo children and adults! Rainbow, crystal, starseed, diamond children! The evolution of DNA! The new children!

Is all of this really new? If one takes a look at ancient cultures such as the traditional native way of life in the Americas or the aborigine culture, it is clear that this is not a new thing, but rather an awakening to a way of life that is ancient to others.

The awakening has not been a smooth one! Ever since it began with the observation that many spiritual people had the color of indigo (the color of the third eye) in their auras, defining this way of life has been a challenge. This simple definition of being spiritually connected has morphed into a series of personality characteristics such as found in DSM, with only one or two relating to being spiritual. As people, in general, are difficult when they are able to see past the facades of others, indigo came to be synonymous with difficult children. As the awareness increases in regards to the natures of intuitive children, more and more explanations are being offered.

What are these observations about? It is simply that people are intuitive. What I would like people to consider is that the “new” children are not new at all, but rather, with the increasing acceptance of people’s differences that began in the 1960’s, parents are not asking their children to conform as much as in the past. Instead, they are accepting and nurturing their child to be the individual that s/he is.

This means that instead of teaching children to forget their spiritual roots, parents are allowing these connections to exist, even encouraging them. The children are responding! How can they do otherwise? Everyone has a soul, and being intuitive is simply a matter of being connected to our soul selves which, in turn, are connected to that which is in all things, or Spirit. It is the natural way to live.

Before the Europeans came and decimated the native spiritual way of life, the native people of the Americas walked this path for thousands of years. Communication with animals and plants, healing, thought to thought communication, and the understanding of the elements were simply a way of life. The men and women who were considered medicine men and women were those who were more connected than most and were selected at an early age to strengthen their connections

Academics certainly has its place in the world. However, research, scientific explanations and the English language in general are extremely lacking as tools to understand intuition. Whereas in the academic world, one must work and try; in the spirit world, one must relax and allow. With the academic world, proof is gathered through the five senses. With the intuitive approach, it is a KNOWING that is simply acquired. Dissection and analysis are the chief tools in the academic world. Being one with the subject is the way of the world of spirit. Neither is infallible! Data can be misconstrued or even manipulated. Spiritual impressions are subject to misinterpretations and are negatively influenced by doubt, worry and/or fear. In both worlds, the mind often chooses to recognize what it wants to recognize regardless of what is really there.

Intuition is woven into the fabric of our language with long standing phrases such as gut feeling, got a vibe, got a bad feeling about this, and the like. In poll after poll in America, 75% of the people questioned state they believe in the supernatural. Yet few are willing to say this aloud. Yet is a part of us all to whatever degree we allow. Life would much simpler if we just accepted our innate intuition and learned all the beauty and harmony it can bring us.

boundaries with spirit people
February 4, 2010, 5:37 pm
Filed under: managing your gifts and abilities

One of the primary reasons people are upset by their intuitive abilities, particularly those who are mediums (see/hear spirit people) is the lack of boundaries.  Many people do not realize that the same boundaries that are appropriate for physical people are also possible to achieve with spirit people.  As with physical people, you are in charge of your space.  The only way spirit people can come around is if you ignore them or invite them to come see you.

Most of the spirit people we see are not those who have passed on.  Instead they are stuck because of things they feel they have to do or, more frequently, because they do not know they are dead.

When you see a spirit person, handle it just like you would someone you are meeting in the physical.  Introduce yourself, ask their name and what they are visiting you.  If the person’s body was disfigured at the time of death, you can ask them to straighten out their appearance so that it is more tolerable to see.  If you are trying to sleep, study or the like, explain to them this is not a good time and then give them a time when they can return.  Do not say later, for on the other side, a few seconds can be later!  In this way you are setting boundaries that will help you to manage your mediumship and your physical life. 

For many, simply creating a way in your imagination (staircase, escalator, or other form of transportation/path) to the light is sufficient to help them move on.

There are many aspects that are not covered in this blog, but questions will be gladly answered!

the indigo child debate
December 30, 2009, 2:10 pm
Filed under: Indigo Child | Tags: , ,

Back in 2003 when we opened the center, the term Indigo child had a very different meaning than it does now.  Back then it simply meant a child who had a deep sense of spirituality.  Inherent in that naturally come intuitive gifts. 

Today it has morphed into a definition that includes a wide range of children and behaviors.  Recently I have been following some of the thoughts on various blogs and websites and am in a state of wonder at how vicious those are who feel this whole indigo thing is a scam and also at how some have exhalted themselves and/or their children to a near deity level.  It also appears that children with autism, ADD and ADHD, and other behaviors have all been classified as indigo children by some. 

So here is my take on the whole thing.  First, to call an indigo/crystal/other labeled child as something new is to negate the thousands of years that traditional tribal people have been walking in this way, having these abilities as a simple way of life.  I believe what is new is that people in the western culture are finally recognizing that having abilities is not a fraudulent claim.

While I too believe that many (but certainly not all) who are diagnosed with mental illnesses and other DSM defined syndromes are actually those who are experiencing intuitive abilities, but unable to control them, I cannot support the thought that just because one is ADD or autistic that one is “indigo.” 

Here at A Place of Light, we try very hard not to use labels.  Granted we do have the word Indigo and crystal on our website, but that is because it is the term that is currently in use, and we do like for people to find us!  We prefer to simply say someone has intuitive abilities.  These abilities can be both a gift and a challenge depending on how well one understands and controls them.  Because all people have a soul and that soul is energy, we believe all people can connect with the spirit world, which is energy itself. 

Our website has pictures of children who are nothing but light, of children who vibrate so quickly they are a blur on the page, of orbs and spirit people and of a UFO.  These things are not amazing or special, but rather part of the every day experience for one who is linked with the spirit world. 

Being able to walk in both worlds brings a richness and depth to one’s life experience.  It does not prevent one from having trials nor does it make one individual better than another.  It certainly does not mean one is instantly a deeply spiritual and honorable person!  Some use this ability to help; some use it to control and manipulate others (woe to them when that comes back to them, though!); some just take it for granted and go about their lives without paying it much attention.  But any time anyone says, “I just had a feeling,” they are using that intuitive ability.

Staying out of Fear
November 6, 2009, 8:33 am
Filed under: guest blogger

Staying out of Fear by Hillary Raimo

Everywhere I go, I hear people talking about one thing or another that they are afraid of. It seems to be at the forefront of everyone’s mind lately. I am afraid of this, or that, the flu, other people, change, leaving a job they hate, or partner they no longer relate too. The list goes on and on. In fact, they are so afraid, they simply do not move at all. They sit still and freeze, and this affects us on all levels. Fear has this way of paralyzing you to the point where you will not do anything. Simply put, if you are afraid, you will stay the same. We won’t live, we won’t change, we won’t question what we are told, and we will do whatever anyone else tells us because we are sacred.

We walk around with this eternal question of “OH NO, What should I do?” and we hand over our personal sense of power to anyone willing to offer us guidance. We throw away our intuition, our common sense, and look to what everyone else is doing instead.

This is the true danger of the fear mindset. It causes us to step out of our power center, where we have a strong sense of who we are, and where our balance lives, into a state of unbalanced living where power is put outside of us. In response as energy bodies, our vibration lowers, our light dims, and all kinds of things can then come in, including the flu and other dis-eases.

When we do get sick, use it as an opportunity to take a look at where your life is unbalanced, and why. Then make the necessary changes to regain balance, and nurture yourself, until your health and stronger vibration/light has returned.

It always surprises me how many people who live in fear forget to laugh, and take themselves too seriously. However, if you think about it, it would make perfect sense, because when you are in fear, you do take life and yourself too seriously because it is a threat to your very existence. Laughter and lightheartedness are hard to come by when you are in fear. Two of your natural born qualities that keep you happy, balanced and healthy.

We all fall prey to Fear; it is a great teacher. A very hard taskmaster. It will ask things of you and push you through boundaries you never even realized you had. It is when you get stuck in fear that depression develops, ill health and a variety of other physical manifestations. All asking you to stop, look and learn.

We may not be conscious of being afraid. Fear manifests in a plethora of ways in our lives. How we judge others, how we criticize ourselves, why we stay in abusive or unsatisfying relationships, or unfulfilled jobs. It is why we find any excuse not to move forward with our dreams, and yearnings. It is why we look at ourselves in the mirror with any other emotion except pure unconditional love. It is why we cringe in the corner afraid to move on any level in our lives.

Facing your fears head on, and conquering them like a good enemy is a wonderful way to move through the heart of your fears, so you can find the gold treasure that awaits in the lessons it has to teach you. The energy hold it has on you and your life then vaporizes leaving you clear, balanced and for the better because of it.

When we find others in a state of fear, we have to seek the mirror for ourselves. Instead of trying to solve it for them, or run away because we fear being close to people who are afraid, look at the why for yourself.

Having compassion for others in fear, means you have compassion for yourself when you are afraid. But remember compassion does not mean you have to take on their situation, simply witnessing it and loving them unconditionally is enough.

So instead of avoiding fear, when they surface, or you see fear mirrored back to you by the situations in your life, stop, look and learn.

Recipe for Fear Relief:

1 Cup of Laughter

3 Ounces of Silliness

4 boxes of Creative Expression

1 stick of Nature

Bake until you learn something new about yourself

Hillary Raimo teaches, lectures, and has written on a variety of empowerment issues related to multi-dimentional healing and spirituality. As host The Hillary Raimo Show: Matters for Mind, Body & Spirit now heard in over 29 countries worldwide, she speaks on a variety of topics related to higher consciousness. Hillary teaches at a variety of venues nationwide, and leads tours to sacred sites worldwide. for details

November 4, 2009, 2:27 pm
Filed under: guest blogger

Intuitive Intelligence Comes of Age

by Dr. Caron B. Goode

Intuition is what your brain knows how to do when you leave it alone.
Dr. Paul MacLean, former Chief of Brain Evolution, National Institute of Mental Health, 1988

  In today’s world, we focus on the child’s natural core genius. Intuitive intelligence is part of children’s core genius. This natural intelligence can grow into a unique talent. Children with intuitive intelligences are ready to take their place in the world.  Our job is to assist them. Intuitive intelligence is an essential part of the human mind, which includes our conscious processes and unconscious processes—thought perception, emotion, will, memory, and imagination. Intuitive intelligence involves nurturing self-awareness of the inner world, the outer world, and the connection between them.  

Recognition for the intuitive mind with its way of discovery and knowing has advanced significantly in the last decades.

  What started with Carl Jung’s concept that people have four primary paths for processing information has evolved into the intricacies of brain mapping in the field of neuroscience. We know how we learn, which part of the brain is involved and how to reprogram patterns that don’t work through the concept of neuroplasticity.   The renaissance of intuitive intelligence has arrived. Let’s trace the progress of intuition over the last several decades as it made its way into mainstream thought and awareness. Only recently has western, modern society accepted and found intuitive intelligence useful.   Intuitive Intelligences  Intuitive intelligence stands as an entity deserving recognition. Brain mapping using EEG topography found that creativity and intuition are associated with theta waves usually linked with daydreaming or fantasizing. Theta waves are calm states in which intellectual activity at the conscious level isn’t occurring. Children and adults with ADHD produce excessive theta waves. Intuitive intelligence operates on gestalts or whole pieces of information and functions from our memory, not logic. Intuitive ability is finally recognized as the fuel behind innovation, creative thinking, inspiration and psychic experiences. Let’s clarify terms:

§ Intuitive intelligence – a system of processing information from a gestalt that arrives spontaneously, beyond intellectually known information or evident thought. Every human has an intuitive processing system. Like any intelligence, different people will have varying degrees of strength.

§ Intuition – a talent or ability to grasp or understand spontaneous perception, feeling or information. This talent would be a strength of the intuitive intelligence range.

Like musical prodigies and math geniuses, children display their talents differently. Intuitive children with highly tuned sensory perceptions display their gifts in what our cultures might think are unconventional ways. For example, how many parents are ready to believe that their children see ghosts or who, at a young age, have an entrepreneurial idea that could be successful?   Education, parenting and psychology professionals recognize that children have multiple intelligences, and intuitive intelligence is the new kid on the block. All intelligences exist on a continuum of normal to gifted. There are math prodigies, musical geniuses and intuitive psychics.   The traits for intuitive intelligence cluster into several groups: The children of today stretch and challenge our learning. Parents of intuitive children need first to commit to the role of parent. We have to direct expressions of inventive and creative thoughts, help empaths deal with emotional overwhelm and establish resilience, face fears of ghosts. Children with intuitive intelligence, challenged by cultural systems which do not know how to connect with or teach them, need permission to follow their personal path and optimize their talent. We can give that permission and model it for them by developing our intuitive parenting. We also need to become intuitive parents.  

 ©2009 by Dr. Caron Goode. Dr. Goode is the founder of the Academy for Coaching Parents International ( at the forefront of the parent coaching movement to disseminate the coaching model of empowerment for parents. Her most recent book, Raising Intuitive Children at has won the National Best Book award for the parenting\family category.

Experiencing Good Vibrations
November 1, 2009, 3:00 pm
Filed under: managing your gifts and abilities, parenting

Experiencing Good Vibrations

The world is beginning to comprehend the healing vibration of the Universe, which resonates within all people, places, and things.  Incorporating vibration techniques can be done in a myriad of ways; simply follow your intuition as to what might work for your family. 

Several of my clients whose children are considered by doctors to be on the “Autism Spectrum” report their kids as having a sensitivity and fondness for vibration in appliances, stones, and specific places on their property.  I have found it best to let children take the lead and support what they are naturally drawn to.  One child in particular collected rocks and felt comforted by t hem.  It wasn’t until the mother took a closer look did she realize each rock had bits of quartz embedded somewhere in them.  It was then easy to acknowledge her child naturally gravitated toward these healing stones.  I have seen similar traits in other children with regard to shells, leaves, shapes and colors.

My client, Don, not only uses his intuitive energy skills with his children, but also with his father, who has Alzheimer’s disease.  Slowly watching his dad deteriorate in awareness and communication abilities at a nursing facility has been painful for Don.  Constantly striving to remain connected, he brings in items from home, realizing the energy of certain favorite things syir a reaction from his father and even stimulate conversation about their past.  A beloved religious medallion seems to provide the most comfort and healing for them both.  Their shared energetic connection, called the Field of Intuitive Harmony, is there for all to explore, regardless of whether you are the parent…or the child.  Don demonstrates this beautifully by tapping into the vibrations and honoring the energetic connections with items from his and his father’s lives. 

Remember, everything has a vibration.   Your resonance with an object, person, or thing may offer you a unique opportunity to tap into Divine energy.  Here are some suggestions on how you can experience good vibrations:

  • Decorate yourself and your home with natural stones and crystals for their beauty and healing properties
  • Use a quartz crystal, tuning fork, or vibrating massager to activate your own or your family’s energy centers.
  • Play with rocks!  As a family, collect and track your sensitivity to certain stones.  Why do you like them?  How do they make you feel?  Head out on a field trip to a rock museum or a local quarry.
  • Go for a walk in the woods to tap into the Earth’s energies.  Dowse for water, minerals, or even caves.  Make it a fun outing for the whole family.
  • When you feel resonance within your body, ask your higher self for more details and expect the answer to come to you.  Resonance is often experienced as the lift in our heart, the bounce in our step or even a subtle all over vibration.  It is a feeling of deep connectedness.

Deb Snyder, PhD, is the author of Intuitive Parenting (Beyond Words 2010) and creator of the HeartGlow method.  She is an inspirational speaker and teacher to groups large and small and offers instruction on intuitive parenting in private sessions classes and seminars throughout the country.  FMI, visit

When are my feelings mine?
September 1, 2009, 8:20 pm
Filed under: managing your gifts and abilities
A whopping 92% of those answering the APOL survey on gifts and abilities responded that they have unexplained moods.  This can lead to problems in one’s life! 
In fact, many who are clinically depressed, but have not experienced a severely depressing event, are those of us who are empathic and have spent our lives absorbing depressed energy from any and every one with whom we contact.  It can also play a large part for those who are diagnosed as manic/depressive Yikes!  For those of us who do not experience this, it is hard to understand.  However it is very important to gain control over empathic abilities.
The first thing to ask when determining what is yours and what is being picked up from someone else is “do I have a reason for feeling this?”  If not, then it is not yours! If you have no reason for the emotion, then you can do several things.
  • First,  you can try to follow the energy back to the source.  Then you can see what is going on with that person and try to help.  Helping can be done by sending soothing energy (usually blue or pink light) or making a phone call!  Of course, if you have a telepathic connection with the individual,  you can always try that! 
  • If you are not able to follow the energy, you can simply make phone calls of those to whom you feel the most connected to see if everything is alright.  (Sad that we seldom pick up on positive emotions, no?)
  • can simply ask for the feelings to be taken from you and sent to the healing place.  You can also just push the feelings away or change their energy.  (it is kinder to change the energy.)    

Sometimes, though, we have collected so much energy that it is too hard to get rid of it ourselves.  This is when we need help!

If you go to a person to be cleared, be certain of the following:

  • the person’s energy is what you want to be around, for you will experience their energy.
  • that the person gives credit for the clearing to spirit, not “I can do this or that.”
  • that the person is filling up the space that was cleared with positive energy

Once you are cleared, you should feel relaxed, light and clean.  Sometimes you can feel so light it is difficult to move for a while.  People can actually fall if getting up too soon.  You will need to drink water to help ground yourself as well as eat something light like a cracker. 

All energy is a frequency.  Raymon Grace, is a good place to begin to learn about how to change frequencies and join projects that help change entire locations such as schools.  By changing the frequency, the energy is changed.  This is not something to take lightly as it is the same as working with electricity! 

The changing face of parenting!
June 26, 2009, 1:50 pm
Filed under: parenting

Parenting is possibly the most dynamic role one can have.  It is not even the same from day to day.  It is different with each child and must change as the child’s body matures. 

Thus it is important to define the limited number of things that you are adamant about and leave the rest for negotiation!  You have a path; the child has a path.  The child will choose what to take from what you offer and then follow the path s/he will follow. 

A parent’s  job is to provide the best environment possible, which includes being loved and safe.  A parent’s job is to keep the link open for the child and the spirit world.  By teaching and modeling for the child the quality of listening to spirit for all things, the child is provided with a source of strength that cannot fail.

dealing with fear
June 26, 2009, 1:43 pm
Filed under: parenting, Spirituality

Fear comes from the anticipation of outcomes.  If we stay in the moment, we are usually quite fine.  When we anticipate the worst, that is usually what we bring to us, sigh…

On the other hand, fear serves a great purpose.  It keeps us from stepping off cliffs, running into traffic, and walking into other dangerous situations.  In this way fear is practical.  We simply avoid consequences with which we do not wish to have to deal.

Yet, life is not meant to be safe.  We each come with a clear vision of our path, and that always includes lessons to be understood.  When we avoid the truth of the lessons, life has a way of hitting us over the head to make us learn.  It is much easier to learn lessons with the help of a parent, than it is to postpone them until being an adult! 

Parents do not like to see their children fail.  But what is failure but a signal that we have made a mistake?  It is like the physical pain that tells we need to take care of something in the body.  Or the emotional pain that tells we are on the wrong path. 

The trick with managing fear is not to become lost in it but to gauge its message.  Is the outcome we anticipate unavoidable within our abilities?  )Those who truly are one with spirit would not fall if stepping off the cliff, but rather become one with the air and float to safety.  That, however, requires a LOT of training and practice! )  We need to always remember that all things are possible with spirit and that we will always be taken care of… we do not see the ENTIRE picture and thus often need to simply trust.

should we be afraid of ghosts?
June 7, 2009, 12:46 pm
Filed under: ghosts, Spirituality

Hollywood has done a great job of teaching us to be afraid of ghosts, or spirit people as we like to call them.

Actually, the movie, ET, does a good job of showing what happens most of the time when we are afraid in the scene when the little sister first meets ET.  She screams; ET screams; and everyone scares each other.  When we are frightened of spirit people, our reaction usually also frightens them! 

Most spirit people are those who do not know they are no longer in the flesh.  They are not dead, but the bodies they inhabited are.  Because nothing changed in the consciousness upon the death of the body, they are completely confused.  So when they find someone who can see them, it is very exciting!

Treat spirit people just as you would anyone else.  Learn who they are and set up times when it is appropriate for you to chat with them.  If you want to help them go “into the light” as people sometimes say, construct a staircase in your mind somewhere in your yard that goes to the light.  Point them to it and ask that those who are on the other side who help people cross over be ready to assist.  This technique can be used anywhere and does a lot to help many make the transition to the spirit world.