Placeoflight's Blog

dealing with fear
June 26, 2009, 1:43 pm
Filed under: parenting, Spirituality

Fear comes from the anticipation of outcomes.  If we stay in the moment, we are usually quite fine.  When we anticipate the worst, that is usually what we bring to us, sigh…

On the other hand, fear serves a great purpose.  It keeps us from stepping off cliffs, running into traffic, and walking into other dangerous situations.  In this way fear is practical.  We simply avoid consequences with which we do not wish to have to deal.

Yet, life is not meant to be safe.  We each come with a clear vision of our path, and that always includes lessons to be understood.  When we avoid the truth of the lessons, life has a way of hitting us over the head to make us learn.  It is much easier to learn lessons with the help of a parent, than it is to postpone them until being an adult! 

Parents do not like to see their children fail.  But what is failure but a signal that we have made a mistake?  It is like the physical pain that tells we need to take care of something in the body.  Or the emotional pain that tells we are on the wrong path. 

The trick with managing fear is not to become lost in it but to gauge its message.  Is the outcome we anticipate unavoidable within our abilities?  )Those who truly are one with spirit would not fall if stepping off the cliff, but rather become one with the air and float to safety.  That, however, requires a LOT of training and practice! )  We need to always remember that all things are possible with spirit and that we will always be taken care of… we do not see the ENTIRE picture and thus often need to simply trust.

should we be afraid of ghosts?
June 7, 2009, 12:46 pm
Filed under: ghosts, Spirituality

Hollywood has done a great job of teaching us to be afraid of ghosts, or spirit people as we like to call them.

Actually, the movie, ET, does a good job of showing what happens most of the time when we are afraid in the scene when the little sister first meets ET.  She screams; ET screams; and everyone scares each other.  When we are frightened of spirit people, our reaction usually also frightens them! 

Most spirit people are those who do not know they are no longer in the flesh.  They are not dead, but the bodies they inhabited are.  Because nothing changed in the consciousness upon the death of the body, they are completely confused.  So when they find someone who can see them, it is very exciting!

Treat spirit people just as you would anyone else.  Learn who they are and set up times when it is appropriate for you to chat with them.  If you want to help them go “into the light” as people sometimes say, construct a staircase in your mind somewhere in your yard that goes to the light.  Point them to it and ask that those who are on the other side who help people cross over be ready to assist.  This technique can be used anywhere and does a lot to help many make the transition to the spirit world.