Placeoflight's Blog

the indigo child debate
December 30, 2009, 2:10 pm
Filed under: Indigo Child | Tags: , ,

Back in 2003 when we opened the center, the term Indigo child had a very different meaning than it does now.  Back then it simply meant a child who had a deep sense of spirituality.  Inherent in that naturally come intuitive gifts. 

Today it has morphed into a definition that includes a wide range of children and behaviors.  Recently I have been following some of the thoughts on various blogs and websites and am in a state of wonder at how vicious those are who feel this whole indigo thing is a scam and also at how some have exhalted themselves and/or their children to a near deity level.  It also appears that children with autism, ADD and ADHD, and other behaviors have all been classified as indigo children by some. 

So here is my take on the whole thing.  First, to call an indigo/crystal/other labeled child as something new is to negate the thousands of years that traditional tribal people have been walking in this way, having these abilities as a simple way of life.  I believe what is new is that people in the western culture are finally recognizing that having abilities is not a fraudulent claim.

While I too believe that many (but certainly not all) who are diagnosed with mental illnesses and other DSM defined syndromes are actually those who are experiencing intuitive abilities, but unable to control them, I cannot support the thought that just because one is ADD or autistic that one is “indigo.” 

Here at A Place of Light, we try very hard not to use labels.  Granted we do have the word Indigo and crystal on our website, but that is because it is the term that is currently in use, and we do like for people to find us!  We prefer to simply say someone has intuitive abilities.  These abilities can be both a gift and a challenge depending on how well one understands and controls them.  Because all people have a soul and that soul is energy, we believe all people can connect with the spirit world, which is energy itself. 

Our website has pictures of children who are nothing but light, of children who vibrate so quickly they are a blur on the page, of orbs and spirit people and of a UFO.  These things are not amazing or special, but rather part of the every day experience for one who is linked with the spirit world. 

Being able to walk in both worlds brings a richness and depth to one’s life experience.  It does not prevent one from having trials nor does it make one individual better than another.  It certainly does not mean one is instantly a deeply spiritual and honorable person!  Some use this ability to help; some use it to control and manipulate others (woe to them when that comes back to them, though!); some just take it for granted and go about their lives without paying it much attention.  But any time anyone says, “I just had a feeling,” they are using that intuitive ability.